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103 Results found for Barack Hussein

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The Hillary B. Clinton Election may be in crisis mode, but many who know the law know that Hillary B.'s campaign is little more than the 'walking dead'.
The Hillary B. Clinton Election may be in crisis mode, but many who know the law know that Hillary B.'s campaign is little more than the 'walking dead'.
Amateur Obama is in the City of Lights, smoozing with his contemporaries while "rebuking" the terrorist, and planning the way forward where America leads the world in defeating "those who would hijack a great, peaceful religion" by ending 'Climate Change/Global Warming'.
Amateur Obama is in the City of Lights, smoozing with his contemporaries while "rebuking" the terrorist, and planning the way forward where America leads the world in defeating "those who would hijack a great, peaceful religion" by ending 'Climate Change/Global Warming'.
The much heralded Investigation of the Terrorist Attack resumes today, with Hillary B. Clinton testifying before the Benghazi Select Committee.
The much heralded Investigation of the Terrorist Attack resumes today, with Hillary B. Clinton testifying before the Benghazi Select Committee.
Hussein Obama wants to appear that he cares a little bit about fighting terror, but, mostly, he wants the World to rather know that he is doing it with one hand tied behind his back to be a good sport.
Hussein Obama wants to appear that he cares a little bit about fighting terror, but, mostly, he wants the World to rather know that he is doing it with one hand tied behind his back to be a good sport.
After a week of finding out that firm improvement on the economy is still in question, and the punctuation on the Obama Foreign Policy, its qualitative question answered long ago, firmly in place, this Amateur President is well measured.
After a week of finding out that firm improvement on the economy is still in question, and the punctuation on the Obama Foreign Policy, its qualitative question answered long ago, firmly in place, this Amateur President is well measured.
Hillary B. Clinton, the curator of the Benghazi Cover-up, now must face the proverbial music that began with much talk about that 'despicable video'.
Hillary B. Clinton, the curator of the Benghazi Cover-up, now must face the proverbial music that began with much talk about that 'despicable video'.
The easy answer is a demonstrative yes, but the better question is: Why has the Democrat party embraced Black Lives Matter as a co-equal in their proverbial "big tent"?
The easy answer is a demonstrative yes, but the better question is: Why has the Democrat party embraced Black Lives Matter as a co-equal in their proverbial "big tent"?
From the golden team that gave us the foreign policy of, that which they tactfully entitled, "Leading from Behind", America is now tasked with the partnership of existing with Iran as a nuclear power.
From the golden team that gave us the foreign policy of, that which they tactfully entitled, "Leading from Behind", America is now tasked with the partnership of existing with Iran as a nuclear power.
After more that 6 years of Amateur Obama's patent dishonesty and sophistry, the Democrats appear to want more of the same, or maybe worse with Hillary B. Clinton: Or do they?
After more that 6 years of Amateur Obama's patent dishonesty and sophistry, the Democrats appear to want more of the same, or maybe worse with Hillary B. Clinton: Or do they?
Modern Liberals have a modus operandi (M.O. - Latin for method of operation) to attract and keep 'low information' voters - their base electorate - that is easily discernible to the qualified eye, and, remarkably, is extremely successful.
Modern Liberals have a modus operandi (M.O. - Latin for method of operation) to attract and keep 'low information' voters - their base electorate - that is easily discernible to the qualified eye, and, remarkably, is extremely successful.
Similarly for not participating in the investigations regarding national security, or lack thereof, Hillary B. Clinton will become the Democrat nominee for the president of the United States.
Similarly for not participating in the investigations regarding national security, or lack thereof, Hillary B. Clinton will become the Democrat nominee for the president of the United States.
Two Muslim terrorists have been killed after storming a Freedom of Speech event in Garland, Texas. The event, held at Curtis Culwell Center, was basically a contest for cartoon depictions of the Prophet Muhammad.
Two Muslim terrorists have been killed after storming a Freedom of Speech event in Garland, Texas. The event, held at Curtis Culwell Center, was basically a contest for cartoon depictions of the Prophet Muhammad.
This is the simple truth of any well functioning republic.
After a series of demonstratively tough weeks, the hits just keep on coming, faster and faster as if a spinning top, reeling from the negative inertia.
After a series of demonstratively tough weeks, the hits just keep on coming, faster and faster as if a spinning top, reeling from the negative inertia.
It began with Ted Cruz, on March 23rd, and continued with Rand Paul, on April 7th, who were the first to announce their candidacy for the highest office in the Land.
It began with Ted Cruz, on March 23rd, and continued with Rand Paul, on April 7th, who were the first to announce their candidacy for the highest office in the Land.
Amateur Obama has made his mark once again, setting new lows in negotiating prowess.
From top to bottom, it has been another incredibly bad week for Democrats. My analysis of this rash of so many impossible weeks is due to the fact that Democrat politicians are so easy to manipulate with promises that it will all different for them.
From top to bottom, it has been another incredibly bad week for Democrats. My analysis of this rash of so many impossible weeks is due to the fact that Democrat politicians are so easy to manipulate with promises that it will all different for them.
In a world, where religious fascism is growing and spreading at home and abroad, America's amateur president continues to lecture Christians, while bolstering the plight of Muslims, and, oddly, it is the Christians dying at the murderous, bigoted hands of Muslims.
In a world, where religious fascism is growing and spreading at home and abroad, America's amateur president continues to lecture Christians, while bolstering the plight of Muslims, and, oddly, it is the Christians dying at the murderous, bigoted hands of Muslims.
America's golfing 'Neville Chamberlain' of foreign policy, remains cool, aloof and may help the World save itself from the 'scientifically proved' mild discomfort resulting from Climate Change.
America's golfing 'Neville Chamberlain' of foreign policy, remains cool, aloof and may help the World save itself from the 'scientifically proved' mild discomfort resulting from Climate Change.
America's vacationing, golfing, gala functionary, really cool (to the weak of mind) commander-in-chief continues, through world crisis, as America's first amateur president in modern times.
America's vacationing, golfing, gala functionary, really cool (to the weak of mind) commander-in-chief continues, through world crisis, as America's first amateur president in modern times.
America's first Affirmative Action president, America's first truly bona fide Socialist president, and if Barack Hussein can just hold his course on dealing with the threat of Islamic Terrorists, he could just become America's first Idiot president, which will surely transform this nation.
America's first Affirmative Action president, America's first truly bona fide Socialist president, and if Barack Hussein can just hold his course on dealing with the threat of Islamic Terrorists, he could just become America's first Idiot president, which will surely transform this nation.
Since early November, it has been a quantifiable losing streak for Amateur Obama, and The Amateur ain't helping.
Since early November, it has been a quantifiable losing streak for Amateur Obama, and The Amateur ain't helping.
Michael Brown is Dead. Cut down in the prime of his life by a hail of police bullets, denying this young man the opportunity to live a full productive life, bolstered by the accrued resounding wisdom of a life lived well. It is a tragedy of mammoth proportions.
Michael Brown is Dead. Cut down in the prime of his life by a hail of police bullets, denying this young man the opportunity to live a full productive life, bolstered by the accrued resounding wisdom of a life lived well. It is a tragedy of mammoth proportions.
I have often wondered why Race is such a large issue in these times. Many of us, who lived through the sixties and were well aware of the events of those turbulent days, have well considered why Race is such a dominant force for those who are interminably imbued with the subject.
I have often wondered why Race is such a large issue in these times. Many of us, who lived through the sixties and were well aware of the events of those turbulent days, have well considered why Race is such a dominant force for those who are interminably imbued with the subject.
Today, I salute Mitt Romney for backing out of the race for the Republican nomination to stand for the election of president of these states united.
Today, I salute Mitt Romney for backing out of the race for the Republican nomination to stand for the election of president of these states united.
The terrorist attack by yet more murderous Muslims accentuates these terrible times, and just how irrational it has been to not confront Islamist terrorists directly.
The terrorist attack by yet more murderous Muslims accentuates these terrible times, and just how irrational it has been to not confront Islamist terrorists directly.
In the wake of the CRomnibus travesty, we got hit with a lot of spin from go-along, get-along Republicans: illegal-aliens-vote-democratNo money has been approved for implementation of amnesty.
In the wake of the CRomnibus travesty, we got hit with a lot of spin from go-along, get-along Republicans: illegal-aliens-vote-democratNo money has been approved for implementation of amnesty.
The president presiding over America's most opaque administration in modern times, now wishes to reinstate transparency, providing that it only puts American personnel abroad at risk, not him or his administration here at home.
The president presiding over America's most opaque administration in modern times, now wishes to reinstate transparency, providing that it only puts American personnel abroad at risk, not him or his administration here at home.
I have an old and bitter USAF retired Colonel who makes sure to post me on "everything conservative".
I have an old and bitter USAF retired Colonel who makes sure to post me on "everything conservative".
Pretty Much. It started back it 2007, when Community Organizer Obama convinced most Democrats and squishy moderates that he was competent and capable of commanding this American ship, listing solidly left, too far left.
Pretty Much. It started back it 2007, when Community Organizer Obama convinced most Democrats and squishy moderates that he was competent and capable of commanding this American ship, listing solidly left, too far left.
With his apologist foreign policy in tatters, more Americans beheaded and slaughtered abroad, Amateur Obama will force his political hand in Washington, DC on Thursday night, November 20, 2014, by blaming the Republicans in the United States House as America's number one enemy.
With his apologist foreign policy in tatters, more Americans beheaded and slaughtered abroad, Amateur Obama will force his political hand in Washington, DC on Thursday night, November 20, 2014, by blaming the Republicans in the United States House as America's number one enemy.
From his statement to the American people on the eve of 9/11, 2014, Amateur Obama convincingly conveyed that he trusts public opinion polls, rather than his own instincts to lead Americans in these last uncertain days of his failed presidency.
From his statement to the American people on the eve of 9/11, 2014, Amateur Obama convincingly conveyed that he trusts public opinion polls, rather than his own instincts to lead Americans in these last uncertain days of his failed presidency.
It is absolutely amazing how many people have reacted to the recently completed elections in the same fashion as they would to athletic events. Yay, Blue Devils! Yay, Panthers! Yay, Thom!
It is absolutely amazing how many people have reacted to the recently completed elections in the same fashion as they would to athletic events. Yay, Blue Devils! Yay, Panthers! Yay, Thom!
After tonight's midterm election results, it is plainly clear, America wants real change.
After tonight's midterm election results, it is plainly clear, America wants real change.
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